
{all images by stephen hughes photography unless specified}

happpppy new year!! are you as excited about the fresh start and blank notebook paper as i am? LLD is fully booked (!) for 2013 and i just cannot wait to get these parties started. i took some time away from the computer (didn’t open it once!) over the holidays and did some serious thinking, and we have some big time announcements (not the baby kind, sorry mom, not yet) for the new year that i will be sharing with all of you very soon. in the meantime, though, i wanted to share this beautiful backyard wedding with you from this past september. this couple decided that they didn’t want their wedding to be submitted to a wedding blog or publication (but gave the green light to go up on the LLD site), which i have to say, i really admire and respect. j+d’s wedding was a very intimate celebration that took place in the bride’s parents’ backyard and was created with the help of just about every neighbor, friend, and family member. after several site visits with the longest roll of measuring tape i’ve ever seen to make sure the yard would fit everyone, numerous floor plan mockups, and even a visit to the bride’s mother’s garden to pick flowers to be included in the bride’s bouquet and some of the centerpieces, this amazing couple’s wedding day arrived without a hitch. i was so honored to play a part in j+d’s big day through planning assistance, styling, and floral design, and together with her family + friends (and a HUGE thanks to my main girl christine representing with LLD for the day), we completely transformed this backyard in to an awesome party space. with an amazing menu from culinary eye catering, beats from pop fiction, and those long wooden tables that dreams are made of, this wedding was a bash not to be missed. here are some of my favorite shots, all from stephen hughes photography {with the addition of a few of my instagram shots, of course}.

we’ll start out with an instagram line-up that sums up some of my favorite details from the day. the groom’s family had numerous olive trees in their yard, so we incorporated olive branches everywhere, as you’ll see a recurring theme throughout from the heart wreath i created for the entranceway to the place settings.

j’s bouquet was one of my favorites, because she truly wanted something natural and organic (as i said, i literally clipped flowers from her mother’s garden to include!) and free-flowing. she trusted me to just do my thing, and that kind of trust is such a priceless gift.

and now for some of the professional shots:

the groom and his sister are both very artistic and the groom is a graphic designer, so all paper design was in their hands!

imagine sitting down to a family style meal in your backyard with your closest friends + family in a setup like this! say what you want about long wooden tables, but i’ll be rocking those babies for a long time to come. natural wooden tables = my happy place.

:: cheers ::

just before dusk, we transformed the “ceremony area” in to a lounge using blankets and cushioned chairs/benches.

and they danced til dawn (not kidding. we didn’t stay that long though!) i heard there was even an in-and-out burger run :)

vendor credits// styling, logistics + floral design: lovely little details, photography: stephen hughes photography,
catering: culinary eye cateringrentals: classic party rentals, band: pop fiction, paper design: groom,
centerpieces: lovely little details + friends/family, fun times: all

  • Enjoy events co. says on January 2, 2013 Reply

    Simply Stunning!!!!

  • Aleah and Nick says on January 2, 2013 Reply

    Lovely. That garden must be heaven! Loving the bouts and all of the olive branches. Happy 2013!

  • Alicia says on January 3, 2013 Reply

    I’m in love with those wooden tables! I’m happy to hear LLD is fully booked. You do an amazing work Jacin. Happy New and Lovely Year!

  • Jillian Nicole says on January 4, 2013 Reply

    Such a gorgeous, colorful wedding! And I love the hydrangeas in the fountain! Amazing job, Jacin! xo

  • Kate Dawes says on January 4, 2013 Reply

    Congratulations…so pretty and casual….LOVE IT

  • Kate Dawes Flower Design says on January 4, 2013 Reply

    I will be following you this year…hope it is a great one!

  • Liesl says on January 4, 2013 Reply

    So, so pretty! I think the flower arrangements and details are my favorite! :)

  • Christina says on January 4, 2013 Reply

    this wedding is so beautiful. the vibrant colors you used just look stunning on film! and gosh - i wish i was able to have a backyard wedding! love how intimate they are!

  • Gaby - SouthBound Bride says on January 11, 2013 Reply

    Goodness, this is beautiful! I love the bouquet and long tables!

  • Calder Clark says on January 16, 2013 Reply

    That bouquet takes my breath away, and I see them every day! (wink) Congratulations on a beautiful job well done!

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