Bridal Beauty

Hello! I’m so delighted to be back to share some more beauty tips with all of you Lovely Little Details readers! Today, I would like to bestow my guidelines for selecting the perfect manicure color for your wedding day. With so many of my brides this season asking my opinion on which hue is best, [...]


Our lovely Bridal Beauty editor Jennie Fresa is back this week with a HUGE tip that I found to be very helpful! I was talking to her about how so many of the Bloggers {Unveiled} had mentioned Diorshow as their go-to makeup product, and I am the same way - don’t leave the house without [...]


Bridal Beauty: Perfect Timing

by jacin on March 31, 2011

From Jacin: The lovely Jennie Fresa is back today with another installment of Bridal Beauty!  For all of Jennie’s posts, click here. Are you a morning, mid-day, late afternoon or evening bride? The time of day for your wedding will help you (and your makeup artist) determine your makeup choices and overall look.  Sunlight changes [...]


Bridal Beauty: Inside and Out

by jacin on February 24, 2011

The lovely Jennie Fresa is back to guest blog again for this month’s “Bridal Beauty” feature! As a beauty professional, it’s my job to help brides look their absolute best on their wedding day. I do so by designing makeup looks that enhance rather than transform! When I meet with brides for a trial, we [...]


From Jacin: Remember I introduced you to Jennie Fresa last week?  Well today is her first day on the blog!  Jennie will be stopping by once a month to share her bridal beauty tips with us - have a question you’d like her to address?  Contact me and we’ll get it answered! Please join me [...]


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