
it’s Jonny! Reader Question: “If i have like a bajillion pounds (actual number about 60) to lose, whats the best way to break it down?“ More extreme makeovers = more extreme programs. Not really Picture this. You have two women who want to get in the best shape of their life for their wedding. To [...]


Bridal Fitness: Beating the "Bat Wings"

by jacin on February 1, 2011

source On the issue of “Batwings” What do women and Batman have in common? When Jacin and I first met, I asked her as I do all my clients what her main goal was. I’ll never forget what she said, as it rings through my head every time I notice it on women.  “I don’t [...]


Bridal Fitness: The Gameplan

by jacin on January 25, 2011

From Jonny Chai, our Bridal Fitness editor: I’ve mentioned in previous posts how important it is to have Goals, and hopefully by now you have a detailed description of what yours are. You know exactly what you’re going to be working hard for, making sacrifices for, and doing those consistently for. But is that enough? [...]


From Jacin: I am SO excited to introduce our newest contributor to the blog, Jonny Chai.  You’ve heard me mention him before (numerous times!) but now I’m so happy to say that he will become a regular contributor to the blog to provide you all with bridal fitness tips to make your own “Operation: Wedding [...]


everyone’s heard me rave about my trainer.  and guess what!?  today i have reached the 20 lb weight loss mark and i’m 2 lbs away from my goal!  but at this point i’m so proud of all the hard work i’ve put in to this that i don’t even care about the last 2 lbs [...]


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