Blogger Holiday Traditions: A Very Special Christmas from Cris of Kiss My Tulle

by jacin on December 9, 2011

Sending lots of love and support to Cris and her family. Leave her some love today, whether a silent prayer, a thought, or a little comment below. We’re all thinking of you, Cris! xoxo

Some traditions are set in stone while some evolve as a family grows and changes. This is how most of my family’s traditions have come to be. Take Christmas – neither of my parents’ families were very religious so the Christmas holidays were less about Mary and Joseph and a manger and more about being a family and unwrapping gifts. But, my parents are more religious and therefore, wanted to share both aspects of the holiday with their children (and grandchildren and great-grandchildren).

We as a family, have tons of traditions (especially around Christmas) but they all seem to fall along the same lines – religious celebration on Christmas Eve and the more mainstream festivities on Christmas Day. I have no clue how this schedule happened but we’ve been doing it this way for as long as I can remember and it works really well.

On Christmas Eve, we have a traditional dinner of Pizza Hut pizza and soda and then adjourn to the living room to listen to a well-worn copy of A Child’s Story of the Nativity, a beautifully illustrated book that was has been read every single Christmas Eve since my mom was born. After the story, we “sing” (I put sing in quotations because the phrase “making a joyful noise” was coined by someone listening to my family on Christmas Eve) Christmas carols – some traditional, some for the kids, and always a stirring rendition of “O Holy Night” as beatboxed my older sister.

Christmas Day is devoted to giving and receiving. In my family, Santa leaves everyone under 18 a stocking filled with tons of fun stuff and killer treats. And he always gives one really big, amazing gift to each person – and the greatest part is that he unwraps and preassembles each present so that we can start playing immediately! After Santa gifts, the family settles down to a yummy breakfast and the grown-ups take naps and/or showers. In the afternoon, we slowly wade through the gifts under the tree, making sure to take lots of breaks and let the giving extend for as many hours as possible. Finally, for Christmas Day dinner, we bust out a buffet of cold cuts and salads so that no one is stuck slaving away in a kitchen while everyone else gets to have fun.

Thanks Jacin for letting me share my family’s Christmas traditions with Lovely Little Details. How many of you celebrate with both religious and traditional versions of Christmans? What does Santa do at your house? And, be truthful, how many of you would rather eat a ham sandwich and potato salad than cook a turkey on your day off?

{ 7 comments… read them below or add one }

Brit @ Landlocked Bride December 9, 2011 at 12:13 AM

We usually spend Christmas in Florida. My grandma’s ashes are spread on the beaches in Cayo Costa (around Fort Myers), so it’s our way of “being with her” during the holidays. And, before she passed, many of our Christmases were spend down there anyway, so it became an unofficial tradition to literally hang out on the beach on Christmas day. We enjoy each others’ company, the scenery and remind ourselves what’s most important.


Koru Kate ⎨Koru Wedding⎬ December 9, 2011 at 8:42 AM

Hugs & love to Cris & her family! These Christmas traditions are just perfect, especially the no cooking part. I hope this family finds peace & comfort this holiday season~


Mindy December 9, 2011 at 9:12 AM

Hugs and love to you and your family, Cris. What lovely holiday traditions for you to carry on as your start your new family with your future hubs. xoxoxo


Marie December 9, 2011 at 9:52 AM

Santa’s awesome. He leaves our presents ready to play with here, too! Holding a good thought for you right now, Cris.


Lena December 9, 2011 at 2:40 PM

Lots of love to Cris.

Funny enough, I just had that “Let’s just get takeout on Christmas” with my mom-she’s planning two consecutive holiday meals, like a crazy person.


Cris of Kiss My Tulle December 9, 2011 at 3:30 PM

Thanks for having me on your blog today, Jacin. It was really fun to write this post and reflect on my family’s Christmas traditions and see our photos from last year.


Life with Kaishon December 11, 2011 at 7:51 PM

I love your Christmas traditions : ) It sounds like a very fun day. LOVE the Cabbage Patch doll. Also LOVE that Santa puts together the presents for you : ) Awesome!


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