Lovely Advice: Be Present
Sounds pretty simple, right? Well if there’s one thing I’ve learned over the past year or so it is that, much to the dismay and disbelief of most {and contrary to the millions of blog posts I read}, social media does not make the world go round. Ahhh!!! I know, I said it.
I love blogging, tweeting, and checking up on Facebook like we all do, but have realized that all of these activities come and go in waves. For example, when I first joined twitter back in November, I thought it was all about telling people what you had for lunch. I’ve realized it’s much more than that, and have actually met some amazing people on there; from future clients and friends to some of my mentors. But I also needed to remind myself that there was life before twitter, and there will be life after it, too. Remember life before social media - don’t let it fade in to a distant memory. Shut down once in a while to refresh yourself. It will work wonders both for your personal sanity and for your loved ones!
One of the saddest things I’ve seen lately is when I’m out to dinner, and I notice two people sitting across the table from each other, heads bent over their phones. Not talking to each other, not clinking glasses, but removing themselves from the situation and the person across from them, to likely update facebook, check facebook, tweet something, check email, or text someone else. This seriously makes me so sad, and has resulted in the no phones rule - whether we’re in the car, out to dinner, or hanging on the couch, the phone/computer is no where to be found. We are being present with each other and just enjoying every moment of each other’s company {and if someone needs to get one of us that badly, they will find us}.
Where I’m going with this is, whether you’re planning your wedding, starting your own biz, or living day to day life, don’t forget that when the work day is over, or when you are in the presence of someone you care about, be present. Give them the time they deserve as a real person. They will be with you through thick and thin, in real life, not in the virtual one you have created. Connect with those you have met in the virtual life, of course, but when in the presence of others, put down the computer or phone and just enjoy that moment.
Never forget: life is short but sweet for certain - so make each second count with the ones who matter most.
Happy Monday, lovelies! :)

Be present - one of the greatest posts and words of wisdom I have read in a while and I certainly needed it and I am sure a lot of others will too… Life is short - make each second count and be sure to give each people you are coming across in life the attention they deserve, including yourself! LOVE IT Jacin! x
Beautiful and insightful post. As technology gets smaller and phones get smarter it gets more mobile and begins to feel like another limb for many people, who want to feel connected (myself included), but you are so right to say you should pay attention to your life as it happens, and share it with your loved ones, not just your tweeps!
it’s the truth! we can all use a little reminder to be present! thanks!
agreed, 100%, wholeheartedly! thank you for this insightful post. you’ve put things into words that i am always trying to express. so glad you understand, and so glad to hear this advice from someone else trying to do their thang, successfully.
so true! I have phones at the table…That’s a big no no!!
What incredible advice, and it’s so true.
:) :) :)
I find it so hard to let my phone down sometimes but with my bf Frank I find myself using it less and less. When were together he never uses his phone. I find that so sweet so I did i started to follow suit. It makes out time together more intimate. No phones at dinner…or with movies.
I couldn’t agree more!
I totally agree! It’s just a phone. It’s just e mail. We can’t stop talking to each other and enjoy each others company and let the technology replace what really matters. I did a post about this not too long ago!
Good advice! I make it a point to shut off cell phones during dinner and any important event. We need US time which makes us stronger!!
So true!! I think so much communication gets lost thanks to the laptop or phone- you find yourself nodding and hmming and haw-ing in response to a conversation but later there is absolutely no recall of what has been said!!!
I just got back from a weeks long holiday with my fiance where we had no signal and were completely cut off from the world- it was great!!!!!
A great post to start the week with!
Great advice, Jacin! :)
hehe, I often confiscate my husband’s phone to stop him checking twitter, he’s worse than me!! Thank you for the reminder of what’s important, life & love xoxo
so true. I find when I turn everything off and focus on other things (dinner with the husband, friends or even just doing the dishes) I’m bound to be inspired. It also helps that I don’t have a media plan for my cellphone (I know!). I have no way of checking my email or blog when I’m out and about - kinda love it.
PERFECT!! This post was absolutely wonderful.
Such great words of advice!
SO true! We are about to start the no phones rule because it drives me insane both mine constantly beeping and his with sport stats plastered to the screen!
Thank you for taking the time to reflect and encourage others to take time to live in each moment and be mindful. Great advice and reminders to us each!
So funny that this was your post today - mine is a bit similar and exactly what you and I talked about. Love it and agree 100%.
oh SO very true!
Yep! Such a good reminder Jacin!! Hope you have a lovely week!
Oh, this is such a lovely post - I couldn’t agree more. Sadly, I am a slave to social media but you have inspired me to switch off every now and then - thank you so much!
I love this. It’s advice I often give to my friends (or mutter under my breath when they’re too busy posting photos to take in what’s happened) but it’s also advice I need to remember to give myself-or count on you for!
xox, Lena
Thank you so much for this simple reminder! It really is so hard to get away from social media and even when my hubby and I have date night I’ll notice that we have our phones right beside us like we’ll die if it isn’t in sight. Lately we have turned our lazy sundays into a day where the computer doesn’t take part. It is hard since the impending busy week lies ahead but it is so important to be present in your life and relationships. :-) Definitely a great marriage and life tip!
I love your little bits of wisdom peppered in with all of your loveliness : )
Chuck and I are both guilty of this. I don’t have a blackberry or iPhone, but I am a texter so I am definitely at fault for texting during dinner. But quite often, he’ll be checking the stats of his online game. We don’t do this when we go out to eat, but at home it’s a different story. But, the zoning out isn’t as often as when we’re sitting together “watching” TV. We’ll both sit there, iPods in hand, checking Facebook, Twitter, Drudge Report etc.
We definitely need to institute a “no electronics” rule.
This is great advice - it’s soooo easy to start breaking that rule and soon find yourself sitting side by side on the couch, both on computers, no one talking. Thanks for the reminder to!
I needed to hear this tonight. My husband is going to bed, and I am going to stop what I’m doing to go to bed with him. Work can wait until the morning. :)
I just want to say a big “amen!” to this whole post! :) One of the saddest things to me is people on their phones at the table, ignoring the people with them. I usually have my phone on the table because I need to check the time now and then, but it drives me crazy and makes me feel so rude. So I’m buying a watch, ha! :)
Love this post! It’s so true. There’s nothing more maddening than putting down the menu at the table to see your husb checking his bbry under the table to check the hockey score. Ugh!
I know I get wrapped up in it all…thank goodness I am not addicted to Twitter or things would be worse…but I know I am one of those people that should take the time to be present….thanks for the lovely reminder Jacin! XO