
{insert picture i can’t find to describe my thoughts/feelings here}

president obama asked us in his speech for Newtown families yesterday “Why are we here? What gives our life meaning? What gives our acts purpose?” and as i scroll through twitter and facebook and blog posts about hot trends or gift guides or vote for my blog as the best [insert blog type here] or enter my contest, there are so many posts as if nothing happened, and i can’t help but think back to obamas words. we can’t dwell on the horrific actions that took place in newtown [or Tucson, Aurora, Oak Creek, Columbine, or Blacksburg] but we can let it impact us. in a positive way.

i am from a small town in Connecticut. my mom is a teacher. Newtown could have been any town in America.

dear bloggers, readers, friends, family. it is truly up to US to make a positive change in this world. bloggers - think about the impact your words/posts/tweets have on those who live in this online world. we might not have all the answers at this point, but we do know that good things come out of working together for positive change. think about how we can work together to change these patterns. because together i know we can make some kind of a difference for good in this country, in this world. reflect on obama’s words and ask yourself today “Why are we here? What gives our life meaning? What gives our acts purpose?” there is a lot of thinking to be done. and there are a lot of tears to be shed. but i know deep down there are good people out there who can change the future of our society. it goes deeper than gun control (though that’s a start - hello!), or coming down on the kids who play shooting/violent video games (or the companies who make them), or as my brother said, the kids who just don’t fit in and are a targeted as being a threat. guys, it’s deeper than that. and this is our generation and we are the ones who will be leading this country to the place we want it to be. my thoughts and prayers go out to all the families and friends who were impacted by this horrible tragedy. it is up to us to be the change we wish to see in the world, not starting tomorrow. starting now.

  • Megan says on December 17, 2012 Reply

    Thank you for this inspiring post!!

  • Erika says on December 17, 2012 Reply


  • bethany says on December 17, 2012 Reply

    Amen, and thanks so much for sharing this. It almost makes me upset to see so many bloggers carrying on (check out my glitter nails/latest party!) without even once acknowledging that something bigger than them has happened.

    I loved Obama’s speech…and you’re so right. It’s up to us to make the changes we wish to see in the world.

    Thanks for being a positive presence following the past few days. :)

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