Wow, this blogging world just continues to amazing me every single day. I have met so many amazing people in this lovely little world, and every day I am just overwhelmed by the power of people who have the drive to make. things. happen.
It’s easy for people to post pretty quotes on their blogs, or get fired up by another person’s words, but to actually take action is the most crucial step in really making a difference - in your life or in another person’s life.
First off I have to address the quake in Japan. I am terrified of earthquakes and tsunamis - I live 1 block from the water here in San Francisco, and in the absolute worst place in San Francisco for earthquakes and I woke up this morning to about 15 emails, 20 texts and 5 voicemails making sure we were OK, because we have had tsunami warnings all day and were supposed to feel the affects of the quake. We didn’t, and surfers have been rejoicing all morning. But I can’t thank you all enough for caring to reach out - to send a text/tweet/email/voicemail. It means the world to me.
View from my roof where I was “taking refuge” as recommended by local safety officials. No waves, perfect clear sky. We are fortunate.
Others, however, are not so fortunate. There have been many lives lost in Japan and surrounding areas, and many who still remain missing. Want to know how you can help? Click here for more information.
In other areas of the social media world, you may have seen my multiple tweets about #operationlayla. Layla is a lovely young lady who I have met through the blogs, and she has touched the lives of many. I was inspired by her story (click here to read it from the darling lady herself) and wanted to do something to help, so I enlisted my other blog, Jars of Love, to help raise money for this woman who so desperately needs to raise $4,500 for a mandatory, life-changing surgery. I haven’t mentioned Jars of Love on this blog yet, because I have been working slowly but surely to get it up and running. The mission of Jars of Love is simple: to spread joy to others, one jar at a time. I have an etsy shop set up where I am donating 100% of proceeds (including materials and handling costs) to Operation Layla, and I will be canning like crazy this weekend to make enough jam to meet the demands of this inspirational fundraiser. I’m also selling pretzelies and have already sold about 300 of them (including one batch being sent to an honorable recipient in our armed forces overseas), so please check out the shop if you can.
If you want to help, there are many ways you can do so, and you can learn all about it here. Otherwise, feel free to click the “donate” button below, and spread the word via twitter by using the #operationlayla hashtag.
Moral of the story? There are still good people out there. Life is short but sweet so celebrate every moment you have. Say I love you to those who you hold dear. And just do something good today.
Happy Friday, everyone.

This is great, Jacin!
Beautiful. <3
I am so happy you are safe.
I am praying for those affected by this mornings events and I am praying for Layla
Beautiful, Jacin. And so poignant. Xo
Such a perfectly written, timely post. While I'm glad the affects seem pretty minimal in the Bay and in general in the US, I was absolutely crushed by the images coming from Japan. And Layla-such an amazing woman, and one who I hope is feeling all the blog love right now.
I love this post. I am BEYOND glad that you are okay. And I am always more & more amazed by the wonderful worlds that social media helps to bring together.
so good. truly good.
Thanks so much for posting this, Jacin (and for letting us know you're ok!). Truly a horrific day for everyone over in Japan and the Pacific region…my thoughts are with them!
Besides donating and spreading the word, is there any way for us bloggers to help Layla? I'd love to pitch in!
So devastating what's going on in Japan! I too was worried about my friends in SF and in the bay area (as I grew up there!). Glad to hear you are safe and sound.
PS. Love what your etsy shop stands for and the Jars of Love!
A day like today is hard to put into words, but you have done it so gracefully. In fact, I have re-written this comment about 10 times. It hit me this morning while I was doing a very mundane thing, stirring creamer into my coffee, and listening to my kids chatter at the breakfast table…there are mothers searching for their children at this.exact.moment. Tears. I was in tears.
BTW, that is our song, my husband and I…so THAT made my heart happy. Tracy
what a lovely post. my thoughts are with all those people in japan…
happy friday : )
i am glad that you are ok.
it is such a sad feeling to realize that many of these people woke up without a care in the world, and now their lives are turned upside down. makes my heart sad.
I agree with everyone! A wonderful, uplifting post in all of this tragedy. So glad that you and others in all Pacific rim countries who were awaiting the tsunamis are safe.
Wow I had no idea that it was possible that it could have made its way to SF, I head about Hawaii maybe though. Keeping my thoughts and prays with Japan and your friend Layla. xoxo Glad you guys and SF are safe.
So very true.
Life is unpredictable. So yes, live each day to the fullest and tell those dear to you that you love them.
Glad you and San Fran are safe!
I am glad you are safe! We have several Japanese friends and many of them have yet to hear from all their friends and family. It is so devastating. I am so excited and amazed at the #OperationLayla project, however not surprised! I knew this was an incredible community of people and I love that they are proving it in this way!
So glad to hear that you're safe… the news on Japan is just tragic. Thanks for the tips on ways to help. I will be spreading the word!
Thank God for miracles…but my heart still aches for Japan and what could have been. My dad {he is no longer with us} loved Japan. He lived there after the war. I bet he's so heartbroken as he's watching from heaven. Great post. Puts a lot of things into perspective….
This is an amazing thing you're doing Jacin with the Jars of Love Blog and for Layla.
Japan…. well I've run out of words to convey how tragic it is. It truly is beyond comprehension.