Today’s lovely guest in the Bloggers {Unveiled} series requires zero introduction, but I will give her one anyways. Abby Larson has paved the way for wedding bloggers and is the heart and soul behind the number one wedding blog, Style Me Pretty. I don’t think words can describe how honored I am to have Abby visiting the blog today, so I’ll just step aside and let her take over! Thank you Abby for stopping by!
Blogger {Unveiled}:
How did you get started in the wedding world?
I was one of those 20-somethings who was experiencing serious real-world burnout. I had been working in Investor Relations (as basically a glorified secretary) for a Hedge Fund and I would find myself in tears every Sunday night knowing that the dreaded Monday was just hours away. So, I quit. I moved back in with my parents and I started playing around with stationery. I had fallen in love with all things paper during a stint at the Union Street Papery in San Francisco and thought that it would be a fun way to feed my creativity while making a little money. I began with handmade invitations and notecards (we’re talking glitter, glue, the works) and eventually moved into a high end line of engraved wedding invitations. And so began my career in weddings!
What is your makeup staple?
DiorShow Mascara. Don’t leave the house without it.
What’s one thing that others don’t know about you?
I can still do back handsprings. Much to the delight of my toddler.
What’s one piece of advice you would give to others trying to get started with their own business?
Get off your toosh and start doing! So many people have big, beautiful dreams and yet they are too bogged down with life to make them happen. For me, dreams aren’t just something you should wish for…they are ideas that can give birth to new passions, new paths and ultimately new lives. There are very few dreams of mine that I haven’t acted upon and although I’ve fallen flat on my face quite a few times, I believe wholeheartedly that if I hadn’t tried, I never would have been blessed with the life that I live right this very moment.
What is your favorite part about weddings?
The details. I know that I should say that it’s the love, the romance, the story…but nope. It’s the design behind the day that gives me total butterflies. A perfectly crafted cake, a gorgeous unexpected detail, a stunning dress, a crazy beautiful bouquet. It’s the one day where you can completely spoil yourselves with beauty beyond belief and I love that.
What is your hobby outside of blogging {is there life outside blogging}?
My kids! I seem to be seriously lacking time these days now that we have two little Larsons running our house and a business that is all consuming. But in those wee hours where I’m not wiping snotty noses or cooking up chicken nuggets, I love to work on my house, cook yummy meals, play around with my camera. And surf the web. Current obsession is pinterest, though I am embarrassingly obsessed with the Real Housewives blogs on Bravo. Just don’t tell anyone that I said that.
To see the entire lineup of lovely contributors to the Bloggers {Unveiled} series, click here and make sure to pop back in every Friday to get to know the people behind your favorite blogs!!
Happy Friday everyone!

Abby, you are super inspiring! Juggling SMP + little kiddos? I don’t know how you do it! Thanks for taking the time to share!
Great interview Jacin. I love SMP and it’s lovely to meet the woman behind the scenes. Loved her response to your fifth question, I completely understand ha ha ha- I love the details!
Thanks for sharing,
Madame Bonbon
Melbourne Australia
Love love love Abby!
I love what she said about really getting out there to live your dream and start doing instead of just wishing! Great answers, great post! SMP really helped me with my wedding, finding inspiration and ideas! <3
Have a great weekend Jacin!
This was exactly what I needed to read today. Very inspiring - Thanks Abby and Jacin!! The line - dreams aren’t just something you should wish for…they are ideas that can give birth to new passions, new paths and ultimately new lives. - is now my quote for 2011!
oh my goodness she is just SO inspiring. it is so easy to get bogged down with life… LOVE reading this to energize me. Thank you Abby for sharing & Jacin for featuring!!!
oops, just re-read & realized i meant to write “energize me to follow my dreams” haha :)
Thanks ladies! And big hugs to Jacin for featuring me!! XOXO
Love it, and Abby, your lashes are always gorgeous, Dior should sponsor you! :)
Excited you featured her in your series!!
I wonder if any of us wedding bloggers would even be doing what we do without Abby paving the way! She is so talented and seems so sweet and down to earfh. Just when I thought I couldn’t love Style Me Pretty more haha :) Thanks for this series, Jacin, it’s so interesting and fun to read!
such a lovely interview! Happy Friday.
So inspiring. Thank you for sharing this with us Jacin!!
I heart Abby & SMP!
Is there an Abby Larson Fan Club I can join? One day back in 2008 I got bored at work and decided to google “wedding blogs” - Style Me Pretty came up and I have been hooked ever since. It was the first place I went to after I got engaged and it was a huge driving force behind all our wedding details. When Abby told me our wedding would be featured in SMP, I threw my head into my hands and started crying at work; it was a dream come true. Abby has inspired so many brides, bloggers and creative minds to strive for what they want - keep it up, darling! Great feature, Jacin!!!
What a fantastic interview. I loved reading it and she sounds like such an amazing person. Have a lovely day! Kisses
What a great person to host, she is such an incredible inspiration!!!
Thanks Jacin for the post. and I admire abby’s honesty in sharing that many of her “tries” have not worked out. Such encouragement for other entrepreneurs. Plus, what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger! Great Post :)
Gosh, I need to carry you girls around in my pocket for a daily ego boost!! Thanks so much for all of the sweetness!
Love, love SMP! Thanks for sharing this inspiring interview. It’s always nice to hear inspiring words when you are trying to fulfill your dream too.
Thank you so much for featuring Abby! I have always wondered about her and how she started in the industry :)
Abby is so inspiring! I don’t know a bride today who doesn’t use Style Me Pretty as their go to wedding resource. Thanks Jacin!
What a wonderful interview-I love Abby’s fearlessness!
I am so inspired by Abby and to hear that she loves Real Housewives on Bravo makes me smile because I am obsessed with those shows too!
Abby, you never cease to inspire me. I just quit that job I cried about going back to every Sunday night and can’t wait to focus on more creative endeavors (law school student loans be damned!) How you balance your work and your family is something I really aspire to immulate, having a new little one of my own. Congrats on all of your hard-earned success!
Abby is so incredibly inspiring and I loved reading just a bit more about her! She is such an innovator in the wedding blog world!
PS- you are also so nice, and I know this because you have sweetly taken the time to respond to emails despite how busy I know you must be. It is refreshing that someone so successful in this business is still so nice :)
i seriously love abby! she’s the original gangsta when it comes to wedding websites. style me pretty was really all that existed when i got married (a whole 2 yrs
ago!). as far as i’m concerned all the others that came after exist thanks to abby. she’s so gracious + open to all types of weddings - which is so rare. thanks again abby for the inspiration + sharing my budget wedding so many years ago! xog
So great to see a voice to the creator of SMP, makes it all the more real, and so inspiring! Great work, Jacin, for having Abby featured!
I simply adore Style Me Pretty, along with almost every other girl out there…hehe…and it was so nice to learn more about the face behind it! Lovely interview, Jacin! I would just love to have my wedding featured on Abby’s blog one day…a girl can dream can’t she! :)
Liesl :)
Way to go Jacin…styleme pretty is just a gorgeous and resourceful website..i was definitely there while planning my wedding! thanks Abby for finding pretty things to share!
I love Style Me Pretty! This was a great interview :)
So inspiring, thanks for sharing your story! Style Me Pretty is my wedding bible! ;) LOVE it! And well done Jacin for this fantastic interview {not to mention your gorgeous blog} I am now going to read about some other fab bloggers in this series.