This past weekend we….
did a little car shopping, and signed the papers….
for our new Acura TSX!
(read here to find out why we needed a new car) This is our first car together, so it was exciting to work together on talking the prices down, signing all the paperwork, and getting 2 sets of keys to our new black on black beauty. The funny thing is, I posted this picture to FB and had more people asking about the boots than the car, haha! (They are Frye Campus 14Ls in Chestnut, by the way, and I’ve had them for about 5 years. Love them!)
We did a lot of car shopping around and were torn between a few brands and models, but we just loved this car above the rest. We aren’t in a place where we need an SUV yet, so this was the perfect fit for us.
Here’s a little weekend recap via pictures (I use for iPhone, username is LovelyDetails):
{wore orange and grey stripes, found a thanksgiving card i loved, got a gel manicure, saw pumpkins at the grocery store, found the most fabulous teal suede manolos, bought some unique flowers at the farmers market and declared fall officially here, did a little sunday funday cheering on my JETS, drove a new car home from the dealer with only 6 miles on it, wore a new pair of red pants}
Hope you all had a great weekend, see you back here tomorrow with some DIY inspiration :)

Very cute, Love the car!
Beautiful. Congrats on the new car!
awww, congrats on the new car together! It looks super spiffy. And I can’t wait to tell Dave you’re a Jets fan…he’ll pay for my plane ticket out to SF now! Um, let’s see…I also love the shoes you’re sporting with your red cords and what a fun outfit you were wearing for your new purchase! I just got boots like those this weekend and can’t wait to break them in:)
i totally enjoyed seeing all of your pictures on instagram as they were happening over the weekend. congrats on the new car & i want those red pants!!
Haha! I saw your pic on FB and I think I said out loud, “She’s already wearing boots?!” Well I LOVE the car & the boots but yes, I do forget that in other parts of the world there are people so lucky (like you) to already be wearing light cardigans and boots out, while I suffer in the 90 degree hot & humid weather of central Florida! I’m so ready for fall- if we even get one! =(
Congrats on the new ride!!! I love those teal Manolo’s & that pretty ring!
loving the new car!
xo, chrissy
Congrats on the new car!
When I totaled my Toyota (prior to us getting engaged), I decided to buy a Subaru Imprezza. Chuck came with me to sign the paperwork and when the finance person came over she said, “Mr. and Mrs. Monti?” It was 9pm, we had been waiting for 2 hours and we were tired so we just said, “Yeah, sure.” When she was going over the paperwork she then asked, “Soo…the car is just going in your name?” By that point we felt stupid explaining ourselves and just said, “Yes.” She looked all confused. I felt bad until I realized they screwed up my loan information and had to wait another 20 minutes for them to fix it.
Oh wow! Such a beauty of a car! congrats!
Congrats.. on getting a new car.. very nice!!! And yeah I too LOVE the boots!!! :)
yay, congrats! we love our TSX :)
congrats on the new car, and love the boots too :)
lol i commented on your car pics on instagram but ill comment again here - yay!! congrats!! my husband was SOOOO jealous when i showed him ur picture [because he wants an acura tsx BAD!] and i loooove them boots! and that ring! so cute!!
Congrats on the new car and your first major purchase together!! It is a beauty!!
Love the new car my friend!! Happy Monday. :)
Beautiful car, Jacin! :) Hope you have some sunny weather today to drive around in… enjoy the new ride!
Congrats on your pretty new car! & that Jets win . . . my hubs is a HUGE Jets fan too :-)
What a PERFECT weekend :)!!! I love your new car, love your boots, love your bag. Just, love it all :) And I’m sure it felt nice to be home in SF for a weekend!
What a wonderful weekend-I will admit to being far more fascinated by the boots than by the car! And where on Earth did you get those darling Thanksgiving cards? I’m smitten!
!! i have been coveting red pants for a few weeks now… where are they from? CONGRATS on your new car, what a fun and special process to go through together. (and what a cute car!)
Aww congrats on your first purchase. Had to comment all the way from the UK. Good luck with your car!! First purchases are little milestones!
What a gorgeous car! I’m happy to see you got a very lovely car :-)
yaaaaaaaay for new car!!! boooooo for JETS!!! haha :)
congrats on the new car!!
the car is sexy but your boots are sexier:-) love the purse too!
New Follower!
Congrats on the car…I love instagram! Love your collage! :)