we’re running!

by jacin on April 26, 2010

…not like forrest gump, but my cousin courtney and i signed up to run the NY marathon on november 7… and we’re running with fred’s team in hopes to raise $6,000 for cancer patients at memorial sloan-kettering cancer center!!

fred’s team is a dynamic group of first-time and veteran marathon runners with the common goals of raising funds for critical cancer research and completing a marathon.  courtney and i will be running down 5th avenue together, stride in stride in honor and memory of those who cannot run this race because better therapy wasn’t available to them.  we will both put on our running shoes and fight for them all 26.2 miles of the way.

so if you’re feeling like you want to support a great cause, or maybe you haven’t made any tax-deductable donations yet this year, feel free to help us out!  $6,000 is a long way away but we will do our best!  http://mskcc.convio.net/goto/courtneyandjacinrun

and now, on goes the training!


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