by jacin on September 29, 2010
i’m still away on my honeymoon, hopefully today we are going to bike ride down haleakala, a volcano on maui :). in my absence, nicole from “that’s life” has graciously volunteered to do a guest post for me. nicole’s blog is great and she tells a great story along the way - and did i [...]
by jacin on September 28, 2010
cece from frugalista getting married was kind enough to fill in for me today as today’s guest blogger! if you haven’t yet checked out her blog - go now! thanks cece!! My wedding was July 10th, 2010. As a bride who has been there these are some words of advice that I would pass on [...]
by jacin on September 27, 2010
i am currently sitting in the airport, headed to maui for 2 relaxing weeks of honeymoon bliss. today’s first guest blogger is none other than my one and only brother, my little younger baby brother (ha! he’s 24) todd. love you toddy! Holy frig, dudes. My sister is getting married. I’m sure this tense is [...]
by jacin on September 26, 2010
… and it was the most amazing, perfect and wonderful day of my life. all the little details came together (can’t wait til i can show you the pics!) and we had all of our friends and family with us to celebrate - it was beyond words. and now - this lady is on her [...]
by jacin on September 25, 2010
“celebrate we will, cause life is short but sweet for certain.” ~DMB i love you patrick - see you at 2 :)
by jacin on September 24, 2010
well friends, here we are. it’s thursday night as i write this and i’ve just had the most amazing day. this morning pat and i arrived at my parents house in guilford at 2:30am which means we slept in til around 9:30am. not too long but it’s almost impossible to sleep in at my house [...]
by jacin on September 23, 2010
my amazing maid of honor volunteered to take these things off my plate and i happily let her go with it! we talked about what would go inside, i typed up a little welcome letter including schedule of events, shuttle bus information, local watering holes and most importantly, taxi numbers for people who wanted to [...]
by jacin on September 22, 2010
i can’t remember, did i tell you we picked our signature cocktail? if i did, just bear with me because my mind is moving a mile a minute, and oh yeah, i’m almost 3 days away :) we decided on a great little cocktail called a “hole in one”. it’s perfect for our wedding because [...]
by jacin on September 20, 2010
i had an amazing surprise i couldn’t wait to share with everyone. it was ingenious (ha!). but seriously, it was something i tried so hard to make work. but some things just aren’t meant to be. with this being said, i will share my idea with you and maybe another bride can make it work [...]
by jacin on September 18, 2010
remember i was talking about finding a new scent for the wedding day? well i found it - and it is none of the ones i thought it might be. a week or so ago, i went to macy’s to wander around in their perfume department. i was armed with the tips of how to [...]