out of town bags

by jacin on September 23, 2010

my amazing maid of honor volunteered to take these things off my plate and i happily let her go with it!  we talked about what would go inside, i typed up a little welcome letter including schedule of events, shuttle bus information, local watering holes and most importantly, taxi numbers for people who wanted to go out after the reception.  i also made one of those little DIY maps and it was actually much easier than i would have thought!

here are some pics of the little gems - one of my bridesmaids got together with my MOH last night to finish them up and i have to say, they look great!!  THANK YOU LADIES!!

christine went to our local apple orchards when she picked up the delicious macintosh apples for the bags and we thought it would be cute if we used the orchard bags as the BAGS for all the items :)

christine also picked up a nickel & nickel box that we will use as our card holder :)

and then they boxed them up, ready to go!
PS - i am now 2 days away.  i have so much anxiety, it’s ridiculous.  i haven’t slept a full night in 3 days.  AND I CAN’T WAIT!!!!!!!!

{ 9 comments… read them below or add one }

every little kiss September 23, 2010 at 7:32 AM

2 days left!!! YAY!!!!!!


Erin*Sparkle&Hay September 23, 2010 at 8:35 AM

these are so fantastic!! i can imagine you must be running on PURE adrenaline right now! Yay! :)


Erin*Sparkle&Hay September 23, 2010 at 8:35 AM

these are so fantastic!! i can imagine you must be running on PURE adrenaline right now! Yay! :)


Erin*Sparkle&Hay September 23, 2010 at 8:35 AM

these are so fantastic!! i can imagine you must be running on PURE adrenaline right now! Yay! :)


Erin*Sparkle&Hay September 23, 2010 at 8:35 AM

these are so fantastic!! i can imagine you must be running on PURE adrenaline right now! Yay! :)


Erin*Sparkle&Hay September 23, 2010 at 8:35 AM

these are so fantastic!! i can imagine you must be running on PURE adrenaline right now! Yay! :)


Erin*Sparkle&Hay September 23, 2010 at 8:35 AM

these are so fantastic!! i can imagine you must be running on PURE adrenaline right now! Yay! :)


Kristina September 23, 2010 at 11:03 AM

love love love! getting sooo close!


Connecticut Yankees In South Carolina September 27, 2010 at 10:28 AM

we had so much fun with our OOT bags, and people REALLY appreciated them. I posted some questions abut them on The Knot early on and got a lot of flak ("no one wants a bag of useless stuff blah blah blah"). Funny that all of our friends and Steve's family members gushed about how awesome it was that we thought to provide these for everyone!

We almost put peaches in ours because SC actually produces more peaches than GA, but they would have added too much to the cost so we ended up sticking with drinks and gum and candy ;)


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