i think i’ve had about 40 posts with this title but this site really is amazing, especially for DIY projects.
so to give you an example - when i started working on my invites (more to come on that, i’m finishing them up today!), i wanted to use my own font for all the pieces - invite, response card, accommodations, etc. i went on this site and you can literally download hundreds of free fonts - the same ones that all the big name invite design websites use! - for FREE!
so what you need to do is select the font you want (and you can type sample words before you do this), download the font, and once downloaded, select “extract all files” - this will bring up the actual font file. next, go to your control panel and open the “fonts” folder, and drag your new font file in to this folder. next time you go to make a word doc, your new font will be in there!
this is perfect not just for invites but for save the dates, placecards, table numbers and so many other things!
shameless plug - i’m still in the running for the best “real bride” blog award from weddingchannel.com - if you feel like it, please click here and vote for “she said yes!” today :) thank you so much!