New England Inspired Wedding Favor Ideas {Guest Post: Laura of You Stir Me}

by jacin on June 7, 2011

Today I am stepping aside to let one of my favorite {yes, one of my absolute faves!} bloggers pay a visit to the lovely headquarters. Laura Lubanski of You Stir Me needs no introduction, but she is some serious talent to be reckoned with, and has an eye for style and crafty DIY decor that I just can’t help but love. Oh, and she is a fellow New Englander, just like me. So doesn’t it make sense that she should stop by and guest post for us today? I thought so, too! Take it away, Laura!

you stir me.

Hi lovelies! When Jacin asked me to pop on over for a visit, I just about jumped out of my chair. LLD is a daily treat for me so I’m pretty tickled to be here right now. Sigh. Do I have to go back? Perhaps if I share some pretties with you she’ll let me stay awhile…let’s get started! Jacin and I are New England girls through and through and we both have a sweet spot (ok, probably bigger than a spot) for weddings, so I figured I’d share some of my favorite New England inspired wedding favors with you today.

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Maine is my favorite state in the Northeast (sorry, NH). I’ve spent every summer up on the rocky coast of southern Maine and plan to do so for the rest of my life. One of my favorite treats is saltwater taffy and I almost used it as our wedding favor! It would be so much fun to set up a taffy bar and have your guests fill their bags with mouth watering taffy. Need a suggestion? Try The Goldenrod in York, Maine. Tell them Laura sent you.

{Amanda Perkins Photography}

So I may be biased but I think jam and jelly favors are some of the best, don’t you? New Hampshire has some gorgeous, family-owned and operated farms that make some of the tastiest homemade spreads. Your guests will adore the thoughtful gift and think of you two every time they have toast in the morning!

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When I think of Vermont I instantly think of two things: The rolling beauty of The Green Mountains and maple syrup. Simply add a sweet tag to a little bottle of syrup and you’re done. How fun would it be to also frame that print and display it next to all the pretty bottles? Favor table decoration = done.


When it comes to favors, I always love creating little bundles for your wedding guests. How about some tea from The Boston Tea Company packaged in a pretty little bag and paired with a honey stick? I’d sneak two favors if I were your guest! Go Red Sox.

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One of Connecticut’s many nicknames is the “Nutmeg State.” If you’re feeling ambitious, try making nutmeg doughnuts (recipe found here) and package them in glassine bags. Or, simply throw some nutmegs in a burlap bag and pair it with a small grater.

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Honestly, if we had decided not to do jam favors, I would have chosen this idea for our wedding. Rhode Island is home to the famous Del’s Lemonade and what better way to treat your guests to some hometown flavor than to give them lemonade! Del’s sells single serving mixes (at $1.50/each!) that you can attach to a canning jar with pretty bakers twine; throw in a fun straw to make the ultimate favor complete!

The best part about all these favor ideas is they can be adapted for any wedding, anywhere. I hope these leave you lucky-duck brides inspired! Thanks so much for having me over here, Jacin; I promise I didn’t break anything!

xo Laura


{ 24 comments… read them below or add one }

Amma // Beyond Beyond June 7, 2011 at 12:43 AM

Love the images, and there is little about this post that I don’t love because it about FOOD! Nutmeg donuts sound divine and I like the little sweet bags they are cute!


Diana June 7, 2011 at 4:39 AM

We love salt water taffy too, but not because we’ve been to Maine…which I would love to go to some day! But because of the Jersey shore, every yr I have to get my taffy fix! I was thinking of doing favors with those too, but we ended up getting Pittsburgh Steelers M&Ms! I really wish we would have done Philadelphia Soft Pretzels too for the local treat. I love local ideas and bringing that home feeling to your guests! Great ideas!


Layla Mayville {Simply Savannah Events} June 7, 2011 at 4:42 AM

Oh, my you just sent me back to some good memories of New England since that is where I grew up. Loved the wicked good jam idea! Have you ever had YUMMY apple cider donuts? All great ideas. Thank you : )


Kiele Gregoire June 7, 2011 at 6:51 AM

love this post! we did jarred maine sea salt favors at our wedding, but i also love ALL of these ideas. the lemonade is super cute. i used to be a graphic designer for stonewall kitchen (york, me) and they have great local + mini jams that are great for favors, too. i love the personal and local touch on all of the above - great ideas ladies! go new england


Sarah @ June 7, 2011 at 7:23 AM

Wow, what a yummy blog entry. So lovely too. =)

- Sarah


Jenny ~ Something Old, Something New June 7, 2011 at 7:30 AM

Great ideas! I just love the jam jars! And the tea with the honeycomb sticks are too cute. I’ve never been to Maine or really anywhere in New Englad, but this is making me want to come check out all the lovely treats you guys have to offer :)


postcards and pretties June 7, 2011 at 7:48 AM

such a great post Laura!! I too love edible wedding favors!!


LAA - Southern Aisle June 7, 2011 at 8:37 AM

Love it when couples embrace their region or state! These are all FAB ideas!


Erika June 7, 2011 at 11:57 AM

Ohhh I LOVE the taffy idea! And the nutmeg donuts are divine… yum! Delicious post! Xo


Mrs Pancakes June 7, 2011 at 1:05 PM

Love the little lovely details. She definitely brought it:-)


Nikki {Perpetually Engaged} June 7, 2011 at 2:12 PM

Love them all! Do you know I used to want to retire in Vermont and make maple syrup. I’ve never been to Vermont.


Lena June 7, 2011 at 2:55 PM

I am in HEAVEN-all my favorite New England treats in one place!


Tiffany June 7, 2011 at 3:42 PM

Those all look yummy and delicious. I can’t believe I am from Connecticut and did not know we were the nutmeg state! Those doughnuts looks to die for!


Jaime @ 27 and 1 Dresses June 7, 2011 at 6:10 PM

Love the “wicked good”! So Mass :) Also Del’s is delicious- my mom is from RI and every summer we’d go a ton of times…so refreshing.


Kristin @ Bona Fide Bride June 7, 2011 at 8:34 PM

As a New Hampshire gal at heart, I love these! I also love that even though I have since moved to New Jersey (no questions, please!) I can see these ideas being used everywhere. Wicked good post. ;)


donaville June 8, 2011 at 12:05 AM

fab ideas! it’s midnight and now I’ve a craving for nutmeg doughnuts (they sound so delish)!


Sandra Downie @ June 8, 2011 at 2:17 AM

oooh I often encourage edible wedding favors and I am loving this roundup just in time for wedding season! Thanks for a great post Laura!


sonya at zenobia studios June 8, 2011 at 11:38 AM

I was so excited to see Del’s on here. Sometimes we have a little studio treat and get some. :) It’s my favorite thing about summer! And I reallyyyy love the idea about taffy. I’ll have to keep that in mind! Hooray for New England!


Stephanie/ TheVintageModernBride June 8, 2011 at 3:57 PM

i love it all! great inspiration :)


erin * sparkle & hay June 8, 2011 at 5:59 PM

ohmygosh cutest post eeeeeeeever! i love NE! :)


Kate/MagnoliaRouge June 10, 2011 at 3:21 AM

I LOVE favours… they just add such a cute aesthetic to the table setting and I also love them en masse. The little maple syrups ones are my favourite!! Although any sort of preserve in a cute jar with twine and a tag will keep me happy!!


Erika {Borrowed&Bleu} June 12, 2011 at 5:04 AM

Such great ideas! I’m a RI-born gal, so I can attest to the awesome-ness that is Del’s Lemonade!


kristi June 14, 2011 at 12:41 AM

Oh wow ~ what a wonderful guest post!!! Such fabulous ideas…and I love how Laura tied them in to the NE…she’s so dang clever ;-))) LOVE!



Maine wedding ideas June 15, 2011 at 3:46 AM

I have lived here in Maine my whole life and guess I take for granted the access to the yummy salt water taffy! Perfect idea for a wedding favor. These photos are absolutely “yummy”!


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