{slightly modified from How Joyful}
You feel me? Just quit it. Brides and bloggers alike - stay true to your vision and don’t let anyone else derail you from your path. I think we’ve all done it, at least one time or another, and trust me: comparing yourself to others will not only bring you down, but it will slow you down. Be inspired by others, but don’t ever compare yourself to them. Remember, people in social media can put out whatever they want. Anyone can give the perception of a perfect life, but you never know what is really going on behind the computer screen. It’s almost impossible to win the lottery every day, but hey, if that’s what they’re doing, let ‘em win it! The grass will always be greener on the other side if you’re too busy worrying about them to water your own lawn :)
Theodore Roosevelt said it perfectly - comparison really is the thief of joy. So keep moving on, and like Tupac says, keep ya head up. Yes, I just quoted Tupac. Feel happiness for those experiencing joy, so that when your time to shine finally arrives - whether it’s your wedding day or your first big publication or you achieved whatever goal it is you set for yourself - you can sit back and bask in your own happiness, fully deserved.
{ 22 comments… read them below or add one }
You are so so right… it’s so easy to follow someones tweets/comments and dream up that their business and life sounds insanely amazing, but we can all do that whether their is truth to it or not. Some people are naturally very good at talking themselves and their businesses up. And yes whilst it’s very easy to compare ourselves to our competitors I think you benefit far more spending that time concentrating on your own business and striving to develop in your own unique way. Great post Jacin!
YES!! I couldn’t agree with you more. Sometimes you need to STEP AWAY from social media & get back to being who YOU are & where YOU want to go. Anyone can be everyone…it takes a true individual to be a *someone*…great post!
Thank you Jacin! You are so very right. I found myself comparing my wedding to everyone else’s wedding when I first became engaged. I finally noticed it was not a happy when I really should have been. Once I stopped comparing everything I calmed down, and it reduced so much of the stress. I am happy. I have a happy, a wonderful fiancé and family. Now I truly see this! Thanks again for the reminder:)
great quote!
Well said Miss Jacin!!!!
Very, very wise words!
This is so true for so many of us, it happens on the playground when we’re younger and it happens in the office when were older! I love what you wrote too about watering your own lawn. Rock on Jacin! <3
I swear whenever I feel like I’m doubting myself there is always something to bring me back. And this is definitely it. Thanks!!!
It’s like you read my mind or something!!
Keep ya head up is right! Thanks Jacin-great post!
So well put {Tupac quote and all} :) Thank you ~ just what I needed to hear!
This is a great message…and that quote is awesome!
Couldn’t have said it better myself.
So I needed this reminder, thanks!!!
It’s so easy to let the comparison seep into your day, especially when you’re new and trying to find your own way. But the quote so perfectly goes, the grass is always greener … thanks for the motivation!
Teddy Roosevelt and Tupac in one paragraph? John and I both have a crush on you right now.
The other day I got all, “Someone stole my thiiiiiing” and John just rolled his eyes. I think Mr President said it much better.
I saw you post this on FB the other day and thought how true. I don’t do much comparing because it would be contrary to my brand, but it is something that sadly, grips so many.
soooooooooo true!
So true, Jacin! Thank you for sharing this today, it is something everyone needs to hear (and listen to) every once in a while.
AMEN! The grass will always be greener - always better to focus on your own thing and remember - there’s no better you than YOU! :)
Great message! Guess Tupac had a message after all! ;-)
so true and thanks for saying it. sometimes it’s just nice to hear. i was so scared to start blogging and have to continually remind myself to stay true to what i’ve set out to do.
You have such a knack for posting exactly what I need to hear… the number of times I find myself beating myself up for not being as good as Jonas Peterson, Jose Villa, or any of the photographers I look up to is absurd. We all do it, but it’s so much more rewarding to find your own voice in whatever it may be.