lovely little details

So, Which do YOU Like?

by jacin on March 5, 2011

I think the problem with having illustrator is that I can play around with colors - over, and over, and over again.  You might notice I changed up the look a bit now, and I wanted to see what you think? Here’s the original: and here’s an updated color scheme: Of course I could play [...]


Mason Jar Sunday: Lovely Little Logo :)

by jacin on February 13, 2011

Here it is - I really really like today’s Mason Jar Sunday, because the logo is complete! :) Happy Sunday! PS - come back this week because I’m hosting a week of my favorite giveaways to celebrate the relaunch :)


Well, I did it; the blog has officially transitioned over to lovely little details!  What does this mean to you?  Well, not much, except: A new header and a few new pages have been created, so you might see a bit of a different “look” A new Facebook page has been created, and the original She [...]


winter loveliness part 7

by jacin on December 30, 2010

Wouldn’t these be perfect for your bridesmaids to keep them warm for your winter wedding? source


lovely little details - update

by jacin on December 30, 2010

Hi!  As you know, she said yes! is currently in the process of changing over to lovely little details {LLD} and I’ve been working whenever possible (still snowed-in on the east coast and currently playing musical houses and staying with whoever we can each night, so work time is limited) to keep things moving along. Today [...]


winter loveliness part 6

by jacin on December 30, 2010

I love this shot - I can picture some amazing bride and groom shots with this twinkling cycle… source winter loveliness posts: pretty red cups, inspirational images, pretty ornaments, think summer, snowy windshields, snowflake manicure.. 


winter loveliness part 5

by jacin on December 29, 2010

Loving this sparkly snowflake manicure… source


So excited to have been “interviewed” by Destination Diva today!  Want to learn more about lovely little details?  Go take a look :)


winter loveliness part 4

by jacin on December 29, 2010

A pretty desk setup from country living… source missed some of the loveliness?pretty red cups, inspirational images, pretty ornaments, think summer, snowy windshields…


winter loveliness part 3

by jacin on December 28, 2010

Sums up my feeling of winter coziness in one red cup. source