i am addicted…

by jacin on November 20, 2009

to evites.

i’m sorry, but it’s true.  how can you resist them?  they have so many cute designs and if i could, i’d send one out for every possible occasion i could think of.

in the meantime i will just drive pat crazy asking him when we can have our next cocktail party.  i’m on the edge of my seat waiting for thanksgiving just so i can send out my holiday party one!

just thought everyone should know :)

here’s some of the cute designs they have going at the moment.  how can i get a job working with them!

the martini is my fave.  if you live in san francisco, expect to receive one soon :)

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Susan Amestoy March 1, 2011 at 11:07 AM

I am writing a book called "So…How Did You Meet Anyway?" It is a collection of people's "how we met" stories.
I have posted the stories which have been sent in on;
So…How Did You Meet Anyway?
I am always shopping for stories and I would like to add yours. Please check out the site, and if you would like to contribute your "how we met" story contact me at;
I would be happy to link your page to your "how we met".
Take care and…congratulations!


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