a weekend back east

by jacin on November 30, 2009

this past weekend i was able to go back east and see my family and friends.  i also had the first holiday split away from my family, to spend thanksgiving with pat’s family. at first it was a little hard to think about not being with my family on thanksgiving, but once the day started it was really nice to be with pat’s family and experience other traditions.  everyone was so wonderful, as they always are, and they had a nice champagne toast for me and pat.  it was just so nice.  oh, and aunt kathy’s stuffing is amazing!

friday night i met up with my girls from home and we had a nice dinner out on the town.  

i also tried on some dresses on friday with my mom and brother.  it was SO intimidating!  i found a few contenders but not “the one” yet.  i am waiting for that feeling people say you get when you find the dress that’s meant to be.
saturday night our friends phil and jon had an engagement party for us and all of the crew was there from hoboken, parsippany, my hometown girls, cousin, everyone - it was so nice to see everyone and be together again.
it was a hard flight back west, but once we landed back in san francisco it did feel nice to be “home”.  if only “home” could have all of our friends and family transplanted here too! 

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