Happy Monday! Today is a bit of a schmorgasbord of a post, if you will. A weekend update in pictures via iPhone photo dump {a la Kelle Hampton}, with a bit of background story below, followed by two of the sweetest and most touching things I’ve seen and heard to date. I guess you could call today a Sentimental Monday. Read on, lovelies! And be ready with tissues in hand once you get towards the end.
From top left:
(1) Yes, this is what the bottom of real Louboutins look like once you step out of the store. You can buy protectors, but I was afraid I would trip with them on :)
(2, 3, 4) My farmers market scores from the weekend; pretty dahlias and poppies in bright shades of pink, red and fiery orange!
(5) New LLD business cards that I made (and die cut to create that pretty doily border)
(6) The aftermath of an old school keg party that we hosted on Saturday. It was fun to pretend we were in college again for a day and enjoy a sunny bar-be-que in our back “yard” with friends, on my first weekend off in months :)
(7) I guess you can tell my favorite colors based on the current jewelry finds
(8) I may be a Yankees fan but that doesn’t mean I can’t root, root root for the home team (the SF Giants!) and keep warm at a July night game in my Uggs
(9) More pretty dahlias from my favorite flower shop on Chestnut Street in our neighborhood
* * * * *
On another note, if you haven’t seen this wedding video yet, you must. Phyllis Siegel, 76, and Connie Kopelov, 84 were the first couple in New York City to wed under the state’s new law allowing same-sex marriage Sunday, and I think it is quite possibly one of the sweetest things ever. No frills, no ruffles, no big gown - just love. Love is all you need, after all.
* * * * *
Lastly, I don’t know if you’ve visited Kiss My Tulle yet, but you need to read the lovely bride Cris’ story - long story short, her 2012 wedding had a bit of a change in schedule when she found out her father was diagnosed with terminal cancer and only had 1 month to live. Brides, friends, and people alike can learn from Cris’ spirit and her can-do attitude. They switched things around and were able to be married in a simple civil ceremony, with her father as the officiant, and as Cris said “There’s no time for cute themes or fancy DIY touches. But, my dream of having my daddy marry me to my best friend (and one of his favorite people) is going to come true and that, my friends, is all that matters.” So friends, is the daily traffic you were complaining about this morning really worth it? To read Cris’ story, head on over here.
Hope you all had an amazing weekend!
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Cris’ story is all the more bittersweet because her father is not her biological father (who left her mother when she didn’t have a son), but the man who raised her as his own & adopted her. Such an inspiring story. The world would be a better place if there were more men like him.
cute business cards! i cant believe that about the shoes :( !!! anyhow loving the flowers too :) xoxo jillian:: cornflake dreams
Great board! I love your pics!
Love the round up! I am slightly jealous that you are all cuddled up in July! I can not even imagine being cold right now!!
I love this post - such a great weekend you had. As for Chris’ story… I read it over the weekend, and you’re so right, it’s a great reminder that people are going through some serious stuff while we complain about petty things like traffic and whatever else. Always important to remind yourself what matters in life.
xoxo, chrissy
The Perfect Palette
i am shocked about those shoes I had no idea they did that which tells you I don’t have a pair. I think I mentioned to you already that I love those business cards very unique!
Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I wish I would have found your blog while I was planning :)
I cried!!!!
What a gorgeous, colorful weekend-I’m absolutely smitten with those business cards!
your weekend was lovely! gorgeous flowers and love your business cards!
really makes you realize what life is truly all about … i wish Cris and her family all the very best.
Nooo! The Louboutin’s illusion is gone! ;)
I’ve been pretty busy lately (ahem) and just got a chance to catch up on my favorite blogs. THANK YOU so much for this sweet, sweet post. I was crying a bit over the first lovely ceremony video and thought, “Boy, I feel bad for whoever has to follow that up” - only to find that it was me! Thank you to everyone who has shared this time with me. It’s been really difficult but at least I’ve gotten the chance to have it. And that is SO huge to me right now.
I am crying for your Lou’s! All pairs purchased should come with a person to give you piggie back rides when you wear them. Hear that, Christain?
jacin! the cards are to-die-for!!
I hadn’t seen that video yet - they are just beyond adorable!
oh i love your new business cards! just lovely. sigh….i wish Loub’s were in my affordable category. not quite there yet! :) I was just at Kiss My Tulle. amazing story.